Augmented Reality/ Vitrual Reeality (AR/VR)

IEEE SPS, GS has organized an expert talk in collaboration with Silver Oak University IEEE
Student Branch under the technical talk series 2022.

About the Speaker

Mr. Harshit Lalpura sir, the founder of Hash Media, who has more than 10 years of
Experience in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.

About the Session

Date: 9th April, 2022
Time: 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM IST
Platform: Cisco Webex Meetings
Attendees: 96

The event commenced with the warm welcome of the speaker, Mr. Harshit Lalpura sir,
Founder, Hash Media. Also, Vice-chair of IEEE GS, Dr. Chirag Paunwala sir and Chair of IEEE
SPS Chapter GS, Dr Arpan Desai sir, technical activity chair, IEEE SPS GS, Dr. Chintan
Varnagar sir were present and were heartily welcomed. Then Dr. Chintan Varnagar sir gave
a brief on activities, participation, and involvement of an individual in SPS, GS. Also, he
highlighted various events and technical talks conducted by the organization. Then he talked
about SPS membership overview and highlighted some offers and benefits for SPS
members. Also, he showed various awards achieved by SPS, GS. Then he handed over the
session to the speaker. Firstly, Harshit sir gave a brief on certain topics that is to be covered
in the session i.e., Computer graphics, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Types of AR,
Applications and challenges. He started with computer graphics and elaborated it with its
types, key operation and software used. Secondly, he started with Augmented Reality, and
presented the history of it. Then, he described types, challenges and applications of AR.
Then similarly, he explained Virtual Reality. Also, he gave some real-life examples which
showcased various types of AR and VR. Lastly, he talked about differences between AR, VR
and MR, and also talked about the market of AR and VR.

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