Best Practices of IEEE Student Branch Planning & Operations


Silver Oak University IEEE Student Branch believes in developing and inspiring its members to a large extent. To provide the students with great awareness about all the opportunities at their Student Branch’s dispense, Silver Oak University IEEE Student Branch conducted an event termed “BestPractices of Student Branch Planning and Operations”.

About the Speaker:

To guide the members through the event, the Student Branch invited Mr. Ramneek Kalra, IEEE Impact creator, IEEE Influencer, and Chief Editor of India Council Newsletter Vaani. He is a Computer Science Engineer and Proactive Volunteer at organizations such as IEEE Youth for Sustainability, Atal Innovation Mission and Human Circle. He is also an IEEE Young Professional holding responsibility of Impact creator, Chair of History & Research Subcommittee, Chair of IEngage Track, and Author at IEEE USA E-Books.

About the Session:

Date: 17th December, 2022
Time: 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM IST
Venue: Apple Lab, Silver Oak University
Participants: 33

Mr. Ramneek Kalra was welcomed to the Student Branch of Silver Oak University with a bouquet of gratitude in a vigorous and enthusiastic manner. The speaker himself greeted the members with great excitation and eagerness to interact. Mr. Ramneek Kalra introduced himself and shared his journey through ups and downs to success with all the present members. He greatly shared the benefits of being a Student Member as well as a Professional Member at the IEEE organization. Along with all the pros, he also provided the best resources for all Student Branches all over the world. The speaker showed the importance of communication and presentation skills in future professional life along with the opportunities of getting your researches done and papers published. Mr. Ramneek Kalra engaged the students in a game that implied the significance of making connections as distantand deep as possible. To end the talk he sincerely explained the sequence and phases in conducting an event and answered all the questions asked by the upbeat participants. He was thanked by the Student Branch with a memento as a token of appreciation for his time and knowledge.


The participating members showed great enthusiasm throughout the talk and made the time very interactive and knowledgeable with all the right questions. The speaker, Mr. Ramneek Kalra wasthanked for the time he spared and the awareness that he shared of the organization and the benefit it provides. Mr. Ramneek Kalra is very understanding and learned mentor who imparted his knowledge onto the students with excitation.

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