SAMVAAD’22 Session 2, 3, & 4 – Introduction to OpenShift Applications DO101


Silver Oak University IEEE Student Branch believes in helping its students to reach out to as many innovations, excellences, and professional knowledge as possible. Keeping this in mind, Silver Oak University in collaboration with the Department of Computer Engineering and RedHat Academy conducted a certified event “SAMVAAD’ 22 –Introduction to OpenShift Applications DO101”.

About the speaker:

To guide thisfull day workshop we had eminent speaker Mr. Nilesh Vaghela. He isthe Founder at Electromech Corporation and Opensource Company, AWS Community Hero and AWS authorized instructor AAI, RHCI, RHCSA, RHCE, CL210, RH413, and CL310.

About the session:

Date: 23rd December, 2022
Time: 9:30 AM TO 6:00 PM IST
Venue: Apple Lab, Silver Oak University
Participants: 36

Session 2:

‘SAMVAAD’ 22 Introduction to OpenShift Applications DO101’ marked as the successor in the SAMVAAD series. The day of Sessions 2, 3, & 4 started with greeting the speaker of the day, Mr. Nilesh Vaghela, with a bouquet of gratitude for his time and knowledge. Mr. Nilesh Vaghela commenced the first session of the day by introducing the students to RedHat, its various applications and benefits, and DO101, a developer-focused introduction to OpenShift application building, deployment, scaling, and troubleshooting. Along with these, a brief about ‘Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)’ and Kubernetes. The second session marked all the introductory topics along with the theory of what was to come next.

Session 3:

The third session of Samvaad’ 22 started with an introduction to the course and content of DO101, as well as the five chapters that opened a gateway to the OpenShift Applications. In the third Session, the participants were taken to the practical part of the topic and dove into the understanding of the DO101 course. The journey of learning began with ‘Configuring a Cloud Application Developer Environment’ and moved on to ‘Deploying Applications to Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform’.

Session 4:

In the fourth Session, the journey took a complete turn to a hands-on atmosphere as the participants went on and started applying the concepts they had been taught about. The participants understood and completed the chapter on ‘Configuring Applications Builds in OpenShift’, ‘Scaling Applications in Openshift’, and ‘Troubleshooting Applications in OpenShift’. The day was a general success in matters of knowledge and skills shared. The participants asked the most curious and vivid questions to the speaker and received equally brilliant answers. The speaker, Mr. Nilesh Vaghela, was greatly thanked for his presence in SAMVAAD 2022 Sessions 2, 3 & 4 with a token of gratitude and appreciation and ended the day with a promise to connect again for yet another time filled with knowledge.


With the day’s efforts made by the volunteers and more importantly, the speaker, Mr. Nilesh Vaghela, the Sessions were declared successful. The day concluded with Dr. Satvik Khara, Head of the Computer Engineering Department and Founder of Silver Oak University IEEE Student Branch presenting a memento of gratitude to the very admired speaker Mr. Nilesh Vaghela. Expressing gratitude towards the management of Silver Oak University and Dr. Saurin Shah, Provost, Silver Oak University. Dr. Satvik Khara, and Founding Member Silver Oak University IEEE SB. Prof. Mayuresh Kulkarni, Branch Counsellor of Silver Oak University IEEE SB. Also, the enthusiastic participants and the whole team of Silver Oak University IEEE Student Branch, worked hard to make this event successful. The Sessions were full of wonderful ideas and were great insightful information by the students to uplift their skills. We sincerely look forward to organizing more such informative and brain-teasing workshop.

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