Strong Happening Empowered (SHE)



Silver Oak University IEEE WIE Affinity Group, in partnership with AWS User Groups Silver Oak University, organized a long-awaited celebration for International Women's Day, aiming to celebrate womanhood and foster companionship among attendees. To inspire and empower young women while also creating a safe and supportive environment for them to express their concerns, experts in STEM fields were invited to share their experiences and insights on navigating social and work life.

About the Speakers:

The event was led by a group of accomplished women leaders in the field of STEM.

1. Mrs. Poonam Patel: Project Consultant at Eternal Web Ltd.
2. Mrs. Dimple Vaghela: Co-Founder of ElectroMech Cloudtech Ltd.
3. Mrs. Asha Mangtani: CSM Certified Professional at MavenVista Technologies Ltd.
4. Mrs. Ridhima Kapoor: Developer Marketing Manager at AWS
5. Mrs. Priti Shah: Administrator at ElectroMech Corporation.
6. Ms. Krishna Patadia: Linux faculty at ElectroMech Cloudtech Ltd.

About the Session:

Date: 24th March, 2023
Time: 10:30 AM - 01:30 PM
Venue: Millennium Hall, Silver Oak University

Participants: 80

The event began with an affable introduction of the speakers, Then, Dr. Satvik Khara sir, Dean, Diploma Engineering, SOU; Head, Department Computer Engineering, SOCET; Founding Member of Silver Oak University IEEE Student Branch; Chairperson, SIGHT, IEEE Gujarat Section; Secretary, Computer Society, IEEE Gujarat Section, presented a memento to Mrs. Poonam Patel, Project Consultant at Eternal Web Ltd, as a token of appreciation. Following this, Mr. Nilesh Vaghela, the Founder of ElectroMech and an AWS Community Hero, presented a memento to Mrs. Dimple Vaghela, Co-Founder of ElectroMech Cloudtech Ltd, as a token of appreciation. Further, prof. Jenice Bhavsar, Assistant Professor, Silver Oak University, presented a memento as a token of appreciation to Mrs. Asha Mangtani, CSM Certified Professional at MavenVista Technologies Ltd.

The atmosphere was further up with the lighting of the lamp and an energizing Ganesh Vandana performance.

Ms. Krishna Patadia then took over as the anchor and engaged with the audience, sharing her experiences as a past alumni of Silver Oak University. Following that, Mrs. Dimple Vaghela was invited on stage, who spoke about the importance of freedom, choice, and having a good support system, which resonated well with the audience. Then Mrs. Riddhima Kapoor joined us virtually and introduced the participants to the AWS community, explaining how one can become an AWS hero. The virtual appearance of Mrs. Riddhima Kapoor brought a whole new level of excitement to the event, as she introduced the participants to the fascinating world of AWS and explained how they can become AWS heroes.

The event then took a fun and interactive turn as the participants and speakers teamed up for an eventful game of Pictionary, which ended up acting as an icebreaker and resulting in rounds of laughter and joy. As the event progressed, the stage was taken over by Mrs. Poonam Patel, who shared her inspiring journey as a junior developer transitioning to a project consultant, highlighting the delivered a captivating presentation on the intricacies of microservices architecture, sharing her wealth of knowledge and expertise with the audience, leaving them in a state of awe and wonder.

The event concluded on a high note, with volunteers, faculty advisors, and participants acknowledged and celebrated for their active participation. Goodies were handed out as tokens of appreciation, and curious attendees had the opportunity to ask questions to the speakers. The event was action-packed and inspiring, leaving the audience feeling energized and motivated.


The event was a remarkable success, addressing the unique challenges faced by women pursuing careers in STEM. Participants were able to share their experiences and concerns in a safe and supportive environment, receiving valuable advice and guidance for navigating the early stages of their careers. The event celebrated womanhood, ambition, and companionship, highlighting the importance of diversity and inclusivity in the STEM field. Overall, it was an inspiring and empowering day that left a lasting impact on all those who attended.

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