2022 – 23 IEEE SPS Seasonal School on Machine Learning Enabled Blockchain



The Event was all about the exposure of current trends of technology in Machine Learning Enabled Blockchain. In this series of 5 Days workshop the participants learned how to automate the tasks in blockchain technology such as contract writing, automation in web3 etc.


The main objective of the Seasonal school is to provide a platform to create awareness on recent developments in Signal Processing and its applications to the latest technological developments.


This Seasonal School on Machine Learning Enabled Blockchain focuses on the intersection of Blockchain Technology and Machine Learning. It brought a wonderful opportunity for participants to learn from field experts and gain a deeper understanding on how these technologies can be used to create unique identities on the blockchain with the use of historical data and machine learning techniques. This five-day workshop format provided ample time for in depth exploration and discussion of the topics.


  1. Non-Member Student / Research Scholar Student = 63
  2. IEEE Student Member = 1
  3. SPS Student Member = 53

About Event:

The Event was all about the exposure of current trends of technology, Machine Learning Enabled Blockchain. In this series of 5 Days workshop the participants learned how to automate the tasks in Blockchain Technology such as contract writing, automation in web3, etc.

The name of this Seasonal School itself curates its importance and meaning in this fast-growing technical world. This tremendous 5 days' workshop included industrial experts and researchers working in the domain of Machine Learning & Blockchain Technology. This Seasonal School on Machine Learning Enabled Blockchain focused on the intersection of Blockchain Technology and Machine Learning. It brought a wonderful opportunity for participants to learn from field experts and gain a deeper understanding on how these technologies can be used to create unique identities on the blockchain with the use of historical data and machine learning techniques. This five-day workshop format provided ample time for in-depth exploration and discussion of the

Day 1:

Session 1:

On 15th February 2023, The Silver Oak University IEEE Signal Processing Society Student Branch Chapter organized a 5-day event on IEEE SPS Seasonal School on Machine Learning Enabled Blockchain.

On the first day, the event started at 10:00 AM with the arrival of the guest Dr. Manish Khare, Membership Development Chair, and Assistant Professor at DAIICT; and the top management of Silver Oak University, Dr. Pina Bhatt, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Silver Oak University; Prof. Jaimin Dave, Vice Principal, Silver Oak University: Dr. Satvik Khara, Dean, Diploma Engineering, SOU; Head, Department of Computer Engineering, SOCET; Founding Member, Silver Oak University IEEE Student Branch; Chair, SIGHT, IEEE Gujarat Section; Secretary, Computer Society, IEEE Gujarat Section; Dr. Jay Dave, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, SOCET and Mr. Harshal Trivedi, Founder and CEO of TuskarAI. Dr. Manish Khare sir was asked to unveil the Seasonal School and then share his wise words where he recounted all the participants with various features and benefits of becoming a member of the IEEE and Signal Processing Society. Furthermore, Mr. Harsal Trivedi sir commenced the first session of the day, leading the audience through the economics and environment of working in companies. He provided many insights on the beginnings of startups and their management in different phrases. He then moved forward to explaining the importance of ML and AI and its growing need and requirement. He informed students about various reasons they should choose to work in the AI field. Running through different details about the emerging technologies from the last decade, he explained the increasing use of AI in numerous MNCs and its trend. He then moved on to the domain of Machine Learning. He introduced the students to the latest No Code technology and showcased a demo on Tusker AI, giving a description about its features and functions. The session concluded at 01:00 PM where Mr. Digant Parmar presented the speaker with a memento and the members began with Lunch Break.



Session 2:

Moving forward to the second session which commenced at 02:00 PM, the speaker Mr. Raviraj Vaghela, Assistant Professor, Department of FoCA, Marwadi University was bestowed with a memento by Dr. Satvik Khara sir and was further requested to begin his session. Mr. Raviraj Vaghela started with a basic introduction to Blockchain and its respective use in cryptocurrency.

Mentioning its advantages and applications, he progressed on to describing the challenges one faces while working with technology. Moving forward, he deep dived into the work and request cycles of the components of Blockchain. The lecture advanced with several designs and testing methods and how the use of the Hyperledger Fabric model can help with better implementation of the technology. On an endnote, he instructed the participants about the deployment process of the ML models. The session ended at 04:00 PM with the participants obtaining many insights into the topics.



Day 2:

Session 1:

The participants were pumped up on the second day to get the hang of machine learning and blockchain through the event. The renowned speaker for the day was Mr. Ashish Patel, a leading Artificial Intelligence Researcher, and Chief Data Scientist at IBM. Mr. Ashish Patel sir was felicitated by Prof. Mayuresh Kulkarni sir with a bouquet and then onwards the stage was handed over to the speaker. The speaker initiated by explaining how Timeseries Analysis is an essential part of Machine Learning. Furthermore, he explained how changes according to time can affect the analysis done through it. Also, a few types of techniques were explained for the same. In addition to this, the explanation was more linked with real-life examples i.e., as the stock market changes every second, the same goes with time analysis. In the end, a short Q&A session was done to clear the doubts of the participants.



Session 2:

Later, there was a lunch break which was then resumed by our next speaker, Dr. Sharnil Pandya, Researcher at Linnaeus University, Sweden, and an IBM Certified IOT trainer. This was an online session, but the participants gave appropriate attention to the online speaker, as he kept on engaging the participants with a few questions. The speaker gave detailed insights into Machine Learning and Blockchain. Also, real-life implementations of ML were introduced to the participants. Moreover, the techniques showed the combination of IOT and ML. Through this event, all attendees got to learn about how there is a need of IOT for analysis. Lastly, there was a quick glance at different projects of IOT in collaboration with ML. After the session, the speaker was rewarded with an E - Memento as a token of gratitude.



Day 3:

Session 1:

Maintaining the enthusiasm from previous sessions, Mr. Bhargav Patel was invited as the speaker, the students were also inquisitive, prior to his arrival. With the help of a real-world example, he explained how Blockchain and AI could be used. A noteworthy thing was the PPT which the expert created to explain the topics. A key component of Blockchain is MLOps, which combines machine learning with software engineering. Since Software Engineering is one of the essential elements to build MLOps he explained to us that topic in detail. He then discussed the drawbacks of Machine Learning which was the scalability issue. Next, he discussed scalability as a drawback of machine learning and to solve this issue they created MLOps which is used to make models more scalable and fairer. Next, we discussed Pipeline, which he demonstrated by using APIs. To build this software he showed us three different tools which are Docker, TFX, and AirFlow.

Session 2:

After a knowledgeable first session, we moved forward to the second session which included the practical session. The audience was very cheerful and excited about the hands-on session. After that, he introduced us to the acronym TOML (Tom’s Obvious, Minimal Language). He directed us to install the anaconda navigator, Docker, and the specific version of Python which was required for practical. After giving the commands to run the data he then cleared the doubts of the students.



Day 4:

Session 1:

Gathering on the fourth day of the Seasonal School on Machine Learning Enabled Blockchain, the keynote speaker Dr. Sudeep Talwar, Professor, UG Research and PG Coordinator, SMIEEE, LMISTE, ACM, Advisor, CoE - Blockchain Technology by Government of Gujarat, Vice Chair-IEEE at Computer Society Chapter arrived at the venue with other respected dignitaries Dr. Jay Dave sir and Prof. Mayuresh Kulkarni sir. Dr. Jay Dave sir welcomed him with a bouquet. He then commenced his session by introducing the audience to his niche topic, Fundamentals of Blockchain. He explained blockchain basics by giving the crowd an example of how traditional ways of sharing data are changing, making a point to mention the drawbacks of the current technology. While coining the peer-to-peer concept, he took a moment to distinguish terms like decentralized, distributed, and centralized blockchain. His view of the blockchain as an add-on rather than a replacement was quite an eye-opener to many. His shared insights on the flaws of blockchain and the reasons why it is yet to be legalized while also contradicting how it would be used in the future seemed to bring the situation to a new light. Mentioning erudite explanations on topics such as Hash, Mining, Cryptocurrency, Smart contract, and much more in an uncomplicated way, he made the participants much more susceptible to the session. With ease, he opened the participants to more in-depth concepts of how Cryptocurrency works and also eradicated a popular misconception of how individuals think Blockchain and Cryptocurrency / NFT are the same things. The session ended with curious participants eagerly grilling him with doubts and his quick and precise solutions to those problems. Concluding the session, Prof. Mayuresh Kulkarni sir proffered a memento to Dr. Sudeep Tanwar for conducting an interactive and insightful session.



Day 5:

Session 1:

On 20th February, IEEE Silver Oak University Student Branch commenced with the fifth and final day of Seasonal School on Machine Learning - Enabled Blockchain. The honorable guest Dr. Ashish Parejiya sir and the dignitaries, Mr. Digant Parmar sir and Mr. Parimal Patel sir, arrived at the venue at 10:20 am. Commencing the event, an introductory speech took place following which Digant Parmar sir welcomed the day’s speaker Dr. Ashish Parejiya with a bouquet. Thereafter, the dignitaries were requested to take their respective seats in the audience and the speaker instigated his session on Web 3.0 Architecture and its related Microservices. The speaker began by making basic introductions about Data Analytics and went on to explain the past trends and figures. Furthermore, he explained Data analysis with business skills and the existing use cases in various government bodies. Additionally, he informed the participants about Data Analytics applications in various fields mentioning the top businesses using them in the industry. Concluding the topic by detailing the Data Science life cycle and models, he moved on toward Web3.0 Microservice architecture and the need for a shift from the current technology to Web3.0. Then, he communicated with enthusiastic students about the contrasts between Monolithic and Microservice architecture, backing his points with several real-life case studies. The next few minutes were spent discussing Microservices Programming as well as explaining the Data visualization. On an end note, he gave a brief overview of the data exchange application context and completed an interactive session in which students eagerly participated with keen questioning. The session came to end with Dr. Satvik Khara sir honoring him with a memento and showing his appreciation for sharing his knowledge with the participants.




The event 2022-23 IEEE SPS Seasonal School on Machine Learning Enabled Blockchain showcased tremendous success. The speakers provided incredible insights about the potential of Machine Learning & Blockchain Technology and how it can revolutionize various industries.

The event was joyfully attended by the participants. The discussions were lively and thought-provoking, and attendees left with a better understanding of the potential of Machine Learning and Blockchain Technology.

We believe this is just the beginning of what this technology can do, and we are excited to see how it will continue to evolve in the coming years. This event has inspired attendees to continue exploring the potential of Machine Learning and Blockchain Technology.

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