Cyber League: The Ultimate Gaming Knockdown


Virtual scenarios sometimes exhibits more understanding than real life. Taking the statement into consideration IEEE SOU SB in collaboration with Silver Oak University organized a gaming event cleped ‘Cyber League : The Ultimate Gaming Knockdown’. The motto of the event was to offer students an out of the box environment to outspread a joyous essence besides making them understand the significance of networking with others.

About the event:

Date: 22nd – 24th September 2022
Time: 10 AM – 5 PM
Venue: 22nd September 2022 – Millenium Hall, Silver Oak University
23rd & 24th September 2022 – SOCAM Lab, Silver Oak University
Participants: 90

Day 1:

After many days of tireless efforts from all assiduous volunteers the most awaited cyber event commenced at 10:00 AM with a cheerful atmosphere. Participants were greeted on behalf of IEEE SOU SB for partaking in the event following a small declamation on the event Rules and Regulations. Team managers were assigned to each team for their assistance and guidance. Every team was seen to be in a competitive mood which was noticed in their strategy talks as
they see competitors around them. The first day of the event was a competition of 3 best selected Mobile Games. Through a multiplayer game Call of Duty Mobile, participants began the ultimate knockdown battle. Teams were sighted to be playing with a fixated mindset as the battle was streamed live on IEEE SOU SB YouTube channel. Volunteering team for Live streaming did an amazing work at backend for providing real time eye-catching content.
Spectating members were enjoying as the competition goes on increasing between the teams. First 8 selected teams qualified for next knockout round as per the ranking listed in point evaluation table managed by the volunteers. To provide the teams some rest, a short break time of half an hour was given to the remaining teams as to refill their efficiency. The upcoming round consisted of three different modes in the same multiplayer battle game Call of Duty Mobile to decide the semi-finalists for first day of the event. The teams clashed in the ‘Best of 3’ stage where they experienced three different modes of the game which filtered the teams to top 4. Moving further, another multiplayer game Clash Royale was to be played which consisted same ‘Best of 3’ stage with different game modes which gave event day 1 finalists. Considering a long gaming time, the most awaited top 2 teams were played ‘Best of 5’ round as for choosing the winner of the Mobile Games round which was grasped by team ‘Hellfire’.

Day 2:

As the event was stated as ‘League’ the following day was a competitive battle of PC games which initiated at 10 AM. To provide the best gaming experience to all the teams it was pre-decided that High Graphical PCs will be given for best gaming and streaming support. Before the arrival of every team, all PCs were pre-tested to fix any on-spot issues. With the same enthusiasm as of a day before, each team entered with a strong conviction to win.
The first stage of the PC Games commenced at 10:30 AM which was a Treasure Hunt in Minecraft that demanded maximum hidden treasure to be found to place themselves rank wise in the point evaluation table. After one hour of intense treasure hunting, Top 8 teams ranked in the point evaluation table were qualified for the next stage. A short break of half an hour was given to the qualified teams to replenish their zest for gaming. After a short break, teams were divided in two rounds for Rocket League stage which provides the semi-finalists of the day PC Games. The eliminated teams were provided a screen to enjoy the live streaming and commentary of the games. A cheerful atmosphere was created by the spectators settled in a different room. As the rounds moved forward Top 4 teams were
selected from the qualifiers which played the same game Rocket League for the decider round as to select the best 2 teams. After an enjoyable gaming period of Rocket League, for the final stage, 2 teams were qualified to compete with each other. For selecting the winner, most trending game ‘Valorant’ was decided for the finals which was changed from a similar game ‘CS:GO’ which faced some issues during the testing phase. Eventually, the final round of the day started which was an intense match between the best two teams. The YouTube comment section was noticed to be most active for that period of time. Even the volunteering team for streaming was seen fixated and enjoying the match. At the end team ‘Kool Keedz’ took the winners title for the PC Games after which the second day of the event was concluded.

Day 3:

For the final day of the event, scheduled time was decided of 8:30 AM early. The volunteers started setting up online streaming setup at 6:30 AM as to make the streaming flawless and consistent. Meanwhile participants arrived according to their reporting time and started practicing few matches. Furthermore, the event started at 8:30 AM sharp. In the beginning, the first two teams played a warmup round as there was some time left for setup completion. Later, both the team leaders were called for toss and the winning leader would decide the map. Then volunteers explained about the rules and started the matches accordingly. Thereafter, 1st round started at 8:30 A.M and with a joyous outlook from the teams. Later, it was decided to have a webcam on the site itself, so the settings for it were made, and later on, all the matches were streamed according to the previous two days the streaming site and the audience enjoyed watching and cheering. There was continuous cheering by the volunteers as well. After all the teams played once the winning 4 teams made it to the semi-finals and the matches started immediately. In the end, we were left with the top two teams which would be playing in the finale. There was a break of 15 minutes for the top two teams to get themselves ready and have their setup on point. Finally, the match started and as it was the finale, it was the most exciting match. Also the commentators did an excellent job keeping people engaged. Both the teams were on point one after the other. In the gaming zone, all volunteers were settled down on two of the PCs spectating them and cheering both the teams. The game was of an intense competition. Finally, team ‘Kool keedz’ made it to winner rank by 5 points from the opponent team. Eventually, all the volunteers also played a few matches to relieve the stress and get relaxed. To sum up, all the volunteers fixed all the PCs as original and returned the area to the respective authority.


As the motto of the battle was of making new networks and creating a joyous atmosphere, it was seen that the targeted objective was attained. Winners and Runner-Ups were provided winning price and a certification for ranking in Cyber League Tournament. IEEE SOU SB received a great amount of respect from the participants which was also an achievement. Considering the overall responses it can be concluded that the event was a triumph.


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