Getting Started with NFT


Since its founding, IEEE SOU SB has placed a strong emphasis on educating students about the most recent technological advancements so that they can carry the technological torch into the future; as a result to which, IEEE Silver Oak University Student Branch in collaboration with IEEE WIE AG and IEEE SPS Silver Oak University SBC, came up with an NFT education program. Per this program, each participant learned exceptionally well about the NFT industry.

About the speaker

We have our tech expert, Ms. Manali Trivedi, for this skill-enhancing training session. She currently has a compelling reputation in the areas of NFT and blockchain industries. She heretofore held positions as a Python developer and a blockchain developer before commencing her contemporary position as an NFT strategist. Also, she had helped out at Great Learning as a Campus Ambassador. She proudly states, “Fulfil your dream. Don't stop dreaming."

About the session

Date: 29th August 2022
Time: 1:30 PM to 3 PM
Venue: Millennium Hall, Silver Oak University
Attendees: 154

The event started at 1:30 and Ms. Manali Trivedi was hailed on stage in front of an insightful public ceased for a well informed session. The assembly started with a quick introduction to blockchain, its use in our daily lives, and how blockchain may boost system security. The attendees studied several blockchain sections and how each form of blockchain affects our society significantly. The event became even more participatory as there was a real-time conversation about the world of web3. At the time of bifurcating the NFT Industry, our speaker went over each category of NFT and explained how costume imagery may completely change the industry. Lastly, when the Q/A session began, participants received adequate responses to their queries.


In the end, as per reactions and evaluations received, the speakers were highly regarded for their willingness to enlighten the students. Furthermore, IEEE SOU SB and Silver Oak University are considering establishing an STTP on NFT to provide students with hands-on experience with the technology depending on the feedback received from the participants.


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