Meet & Greet `23


The past is your lesson learned, the present is the gift of your life, and the future is for your goals while keeping that in mind we plan to felicitate all influential Executive Committee members of the year 2022 for their contribution. It also marks the announcement of a new Executive Committee of 2023, giving them new roles and responsibilities.

About the Speakers:

1. Professor Mayuresh Kulkarni: Faculty Branch Counsellor
2. Abhay Pisharodi: Chairperson, IEEE SOU SB, 2023
3. Divyesh Patel: Chairperson, IEEE SPS SBC, 2023
4. Horti Trivedi: Chairperson, IEEE WIE AG, 2023
5. Hardik Galchar: Chairperson, IEEE SOU SB, 2018
6. Dev Patel: Treasurer, IEEE SOU SB, 2018
7. Harsh Thakkar: Secretary, IEEE SOU SB, 2019
8. Akshat Ramani: Treasurer, IEEE SOU SB, 2021

About the Session:

Date: 21st January, 2023
Time: 11:30 AM - 01:30 PM
Venue: C.V. Raman Hall, Silver Oak University
Participants: 63

The event began with Prof. Mayuresh Kulkarni Sir, Dr. Jay Dave Sir, and Prof. Digant Parmar Sir felicitating members of Silver Oak University IEEE Student Branch Executive Committee of the year 2022 followed by Prof. Mayuresh Kulkarni Sir’s speech in which he shared his insights on IEEE and how one should strive to be the best while staying connected with their roots. The event was further advanced by Abhay Pisharodi, who with a simple tale emphasized the
importance of never holding yourself back and underestimating your potential. Additionally, Divyesh Patel also took over the stage to share his perspective on collegiality and maximizing one's distinctive potential while in a humorous take, Horti Trivedi discussed how one can only learn by falling and making mistakes which ended up resonating with the audiences. Several Ex-IEEE alumni were also in attendance, where we heard Hardik Garchar's interactive visions
and how his first event was a big failure that let him learn from his mistakes and take precautions to avoid them in the future while in stark contrast, Dev Patel made the point that even the smallest of things can make a big difference. In their discussion of micromanagement, Harsh Thakkar explained how failure made him resilient to adept at dealing with people, thus allowing him to learn about how to manage others while Akshat Ramani taught a valuable lesson that the real test is not whether you avoid failures but is whether you let them harden or shame your inaction. The event ended with an interactive QnA period and Meet & Greet where the current and Ex-IEEE members socialized with each


One of the biggest takeaways and something that even alumni agreed on was the importance of surrounding oneself with like-minded people and acknowledging your peers for their hard work while creating a safe place for them to thrive. Additionally, the event clarifies the doubts about how new members should navigate after gaining IEEE membership and informed them about upcoming events to anticipate.


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