Python 101


Silver Oak University IEEE Student Branch in collaboration with Department of Computer Engineering, SOCET offered "Python101" Hands-on Workshop to further students' progress. The event was designed with the purpose of presenting professional lectures for the participants and to provide a concise understanding on Python, it’s Data Types, Database and Framework for every interested student of Silver Oak University.

About the Speaker:

To offer the participants a concise comprehension on Python, we had the presence of two esteemed speakers; Mr. Parimal Patel, professor at Silver Oak University with over 10 years of experience in the domain of Python, Web Development, and Machine Learning. We also had an expert speaker Mr. Asit Pandit who is a Senior Software Developer at Softvan for over 5 years and also an Amazon Web Services expert. He is also knowledgeable in Data Analytics, Docker, Python, and Machine Learning.

About the Session:

Date: 29th September – 1st October 2022

Time: 10:30 AM to 2:00 PM
Venue: Millenium Hall, Silver Oak University
Attendees: 85

Day 1:

Beginning the first session of event at 10:30 AM, Mr. Haresh Parmar Sir greeted our distinguished speaker Mr. Parimal Patel with a warm greeting and a heartfelt bouquet. After a detailed declamation, the speaker was given the stage to commence the day’s session. Following a brief review on Python, he began the session by asking pertinent questions and providing succinct responses. As the speaker explained the topics in the audiences’ native language, it was easier for them to grasp and showed a strong interest in the event. In addition to basic programming skills, he also taught the Python essential competencies. The purpose of the day's lecture was to provide basic knowledge and understanding for the following day’s lecture from Mr. Asit pandit Sir on some advance aspects of python usage.

The prerequisites were explained to the participants in order to conduct a convenient hands - on session. A Q&A period was set to gauge attendees' interest in this event. The winner was announced following the conclusion of the Q&A period.


With the same excitement as per previous day, the participations got a little revision about the basic python programming in the presence of Mr. Asit Pandit Sir. The speaker also made them understand the connection of various programming languages with python. Further going he explained the basics of file handling i/o , and memory allocation processes. Also, he gave a brief description of object-oriented programming with the help of coding in roots. With the help of real-world examples students had a great opportunity to understand the process well enough. The day focused on the theoretical approach and ended with motivational speeches by Mr. Asit Pandit and Mr. Hardik Thakkar.

Day 3:

The final day of the event commenced at 10:30 AM with a welcoming speech and introducing the day’s keynote speaker Mr. Asit Pandit Sir and at assistance Mr. Suman Sudani Sir. Our esteemed speaker Mr. Asit pandit Sir began the session with a cursory explanation on OOP terms like Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inheritance etc with a brief introduction on data flow of its application. On a further note, some drawbacks of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) in Python programming was explained. In addition to the same context, importance of java in Object Oriented Programming was also explained. To apply the acquired knowledge and understanding on practical basis, few Hands-on questions were given to be solved by the participants. To merge all the explained topics, a single example was shown of ‘ATM Machine Dataflow’. Moving to the second session of the day after a short break, the speaker described the Python components in Web Development, Framework and in various Website Features. Basic knowledge on Web Protocols like HTTP and knowledge about different Port Numbers of Mobile Devices and Websites were given. To make the insight of framework more clear, some practical examples were also shown to the participants. As the topic caught more interest
participants raised interesting queries related to it. Eventually, the event was concluded with a Thank You speech designated to the Speakers, Participants, and the Volunteers. Dr. Satvik Khara then presented a memento to Mr. Asit
Pandit as a gesture of gratitude whilst Prof. Mayuresh Kulkarni proffered the memento to Prof. Parimal Patel before turning the podium over to Mr. Hardik Thakkar. For the closing words. Mr. Hardik Thakkar (Course Co-ordinator of CE-ML&AI) discussed some real-world issues, offered advice to the students, and emphasized the value of consistency in order to succeed in life.


Attentiveness and Consistency are few of the main factors to acquire the intended target. Participants gained certain important aspects which was the principal objective behind the organization of the event. Attendees appreciated the speaker for their bright explanations and the volunteers for organizing the insightful event. Considering the response form the participants IEEE SOU SB once again achieved the purposive aim.


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