
“SWIFT 101”, a very successful event hosted by Peepal Tree Club in collaboration with Silver Oak University IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter and Silver Oak University IEEE Student Branch, took place on 23rd March 2023. This edifying session was a very useful first step for the interested participants to start their journey in using the powerful, flexible and open-source language SWIFT and developing fantastic applications for Apple Devices.

About the speaker:

Conducted by Asst. Prof. Sanket Shah sir, Department of Computer Engineering, SOCET, under the guidance of Dr. Satvik Khara sir, Dean, Diploma Engineering, SOU; Head, Department of Computer Engineering, SOCET; Founder of Silver Oak University IEEE Student Branch; Chair, SIGHT IEEE Gujarat Section; Secretary, Computer Society, IEEE Gujarat Section.

About the session:

Date: 23rd March, 2023
Time: 02:30 PM – 03:30 PM
Venue: B-120 Apple Lab, Silver Oak University
Participants: 84

The speaker, Asst. Prof. Sanket Shah sir, Department of Computer Engineering, SOCET, initiated his session by giving an outline of the program. He informed them about the different Mac Operating Systems currently available in the market and showed the described features, highlighting the necessary system preferences. As the session continued, all the students were provided access to the MAC Systems for an interactive hands-on workshop and briefed on their rudimentary system configurations. The students were introduced to IMac, and the various functions used to operate it. Moving forward, the learners launched a SWIFT compiler and embarked on their app development journey. They made their way through the fundamental coding syntax, numerous different data types and concluded with the beginner’s module. They were also educated on the basic control structures used for programming. The session concluded with the speaker offering his insights on the abundant applications of this easy to learn language and sharing his program plan for the future sessions.


This event presented students with a wonderful and valuable opportunity to get ahead in the already thriving industry by gaining both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the SWIFT development field.


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