Curtain Raiser: Student Chapter Congress Networking Meet


To mark IEEE Signal Processing Society Day 2024, "Curtain Raiser: Student Chapter Congress Networking Meet", hosted by IEEE Signal Processing Society Gujarat Chapter and Silver Oak University's IEEE Signal Processing Society Student Branch Chapter, brought together a meaningful gathering. This event offered students an invaluable opportunity to connect, share knowledge, and delve into the latest advancements in signal processing technology while learning more about IEEE.

About the Speaker:

The event was led by Mr. Ankit Dave, Secretary, IEEE SPS Gujarat Chapter and Program Manager at Madellia. Renowned for his strategic vision and dedication to advancing the field of signal processing, Mr. Dave's journey brought a wealth of experience and invaluable guidance to the students.

About the Session:

Date: 15th June, 2024
Time: 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Venue: Apple Lab, Silver Oak University
Participants: 30

The event began with a palpable buzz of excitement as Mr. Ankit Dave was warmly welcomed to share his journey and experiences with an eager audience. Addressing the motivations behind IEEE membership, he encouraged members to reflect on their reasons for joining and what drives them. With over a decade of affiliation with IEEE, Mr. Dave delivered an inspiring talk on navigating post-college aspirations, emphasizing the manifold benefits of IEEE membership—from networking opportunities to enriching experiences and beyond. He passionately discussed future plans and strategies for achieving distinction in their fields, underscoring how IEEE serves as a catalyst for student success.

Mr. Dave compared IEEE membership to university enrollment, emphasizing it as a strategic investment for career readiness, advanced studies, and global opportunities. He highlighted IEEE's role in providing industry insights, networking, and career planning, while dispelling misconceptions about benefits such as scholarships, funding, and travel grants. Sharing his experiences founding student branches and an SPS chapter, he discussed upcoming international engagements, showcasing the tangible benefits of active IEEE involvement.

Mr. Dave also underscored the significance of seizing volunteering opportunities at IEEE events and maintaining a perpetual thirst for learning. With eight years in the industry, he emphasized ongoing personal and professional development, advocating investments in resources like IEEE. Highlighting the enduring value of IEEE membership beyond graduation, he shared his experience attending an international conference in Taiwan in 2019. The Q&A session proved highly engaging and insightful, providing participants with a platform to resolve their queries and gain valuable insights. Thereafter, Prof. Digant Parmar honoured Mr. Ankit Dave with a token of appreciation for his enlightening talk on IEEE chapters.

The event concluded with a heartwarming cake-cutting ceremony in celebration of IEEE SPS Day 2024, fostering a sense of camaraderie among the members. The occasion was graced by Mr. Ankit Dave, along with Prof. Mayuresh Kulkarni, Assistant Professor, Computer Engineering, SOCET; Chairperson, Student Activity and Membership Development, IEEE Signal Processing Society Gujarat Chapter; Advisor, Silver Oak University IEEE Women In Engineering Student Branch Affinity Group, Silver Oak University IEEE Signal Processing Society and Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, as well as Prof. Digant Parmar, Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering at SOCET; Counselor, Silver Oak University IEEE Student Branch. Following the ceremony, refreshments were served, further enhancing the celebratory spirit of the gathering.


In conclusion, the event "Curtain Raiser: Student Chapter Congress Networking Meet" was a resounding success, seamlessly blending inspiration with practical insights. Mr. Ankit Dave's motivational journey through IEEE's diverse benefits, coupled with engaging discussions on career growth and networking, provided participants with invaluable perspectives.

This was only possible because of Dr. Satvik Khara, Dean, Diploma Engineering, SOU; Head, Department of Computer Engineering, SOCET; IEEE Senior Member; Chairperson, SIGHT, IEEE Gujarat Section; Secretary, Computer Society, IEEE Gujarat Section and Founding Member, Silver Oak University IEEE Student Branch. His unwavering guidance and pivotal encouragement were instrumental throughout.


Some glimpses of the event:


Mr. Ankit Dave explaining the importance of IEEE

Highlighting the Journey and Achievements with IEEE

Prof. Digant Parmar felicitating Mr. Ankit Dave with a token of appreciation

Cake-Cutting Ceremony in Celebration of IEEE SPS Day 2024

Closing Group Photo at the Event's Conclusion

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