CoEdunate: Learn How Machine Learns

Silver Oak University IEEE Student Branch always works on the advancement of the
students by providing the opportunity to learn, develop new technical skills, and network
with fellow student members. With the same virtue, SOU IEEE Student Branch had initiated
a learning workshop “CoEdunate: Learn how Machine Learns” under the program,
“CoEdunate: Together We Learn”, exclusively for our Student Branch members. The motto
behind conducting this event was to explore and deep dive into the Basics of Data Science
with Python and Core Machine Learning.

Date: ​26th-4th July

Time: 2:00PM to 4:00PM IST

Platform: Zoom Meeting

Participants: 15 members

About the speaker

This workshop was conducted by our talented Student Branch members, Ojas Wani and
Zeeshan Deradiya. Both the mentors have great knowledge of Python libraries and Machine
Learning. They have also made several projects using Machine Learning.


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