The AI Conclave - Ahmedabad 2024 organized under IEEE Signal Processing Society Gujarat Chapter and hosted by Silver Oak University IEEE Signal Processing Society Student Branch Chapter and Google Developer Student Clubs, Silver Oak University.


Artificial Intelligence enables computers to perform tasks requiring human intelligence, such as learning and problem-solving. AI's impact spans industries through advanced data analysis and automation, raising important ethical and future-of-work discussions.

At a Glance:

The event was tailored for AI, machine learning, and allied domains, hosting insightful discussions by industry leaders. It promoted interdisciplinary engagement, bridging academia with industry and translating theoretical advancements into tangible applications. This dynamic exchange is pivotal for propelling AI's real-world evolution.


  • Exploration of Emerging Techniques

The event unveiled the latest paradigms of Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models, fostering fresh perspectives on machine learning and a culture of innovation.

  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration

It served as a bridge between various disciplines, encouraging collaboration among titan researchers and students through interactive sessions, gaining invaluable connections among signal processing's evolving landscape.

  • Dissemination of Cutting-Edge Research

Beyond theoretical discussions, AI Conclave emphasized real-world applications and propelled avant-garde research into real-world applications, pushing industries and reshaping telecommunications, healthcare, and beyond.

About Event:

AI Conclave - Ahmedabad 2024 organized under IEEE Signal Processing Society Gujarat Chapter and hosted by Silver Oak University IEEE Signal Processing Society Student Branch Chapter and Google Developer Student Clubs, Silver Oak University, was designed for students, professionals, and tech enthusiasts interested in the field of AI, machine learning, and related fields.

It featured talks from experts in these multiple domains, encouraging cross-disciplinary participation and bridging the gap between academic research and industry applications. This ensured the theoretical advancements in AI find practical implementation, fostering a dynamic exchange crucial for AI's evolution in real-world contexts.

About Speakers:

  • Mr. Kartik Derasari: Google Developer Expert of  Google Cloud; Applied AI Solutions Architect at Persistent Systems.
  • Mr. Bhargav Patel: Junior Staff AI Engineer at Detect Technologies.
  • Mr. Daxeel Soni: Co-Founder of MyBenifits.AI.Inc..
  • Mr. Dhaval Joshi: CEO at Sahana System Limited.
  • Mr. Harshal Trivedi: CEO and Founder at of Tusker AI and Founder of Softvan Pvt. Ltd.
  • Mr, Ridham Modi: CEO at Higen Inc. and Glasier Inc.

About Session:

Date: 03rd May, 2024
Time: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Venue: Aryabhatta Auditorium
Participants: 252

Inauguration Ceremony

Deep Pragatya

AI Conclave - Ahmedabad 2024 kicked off with an electric buzz, as attendees filled the hall with palpable enthusiasm and positive energy. The event commenced with a ceremonial Deep Pragatya and Saraswati Vandana with guest dignitary from IEEE Signal Processing Society Gujarat Chapter, Prof. Mayuresh Kulkarni, Prof. Jaimin Dave, Vice Principal, SOCET.

Also joining them were Dr. Satvik Khara, Dean, Diploma Engineering, SOU; Head, Department of Computer Engineering, SOCET; IEEE Senior Member; Chairperson, SIGHT, IEEE Gujarat Section; Secretary, Computer Society, IEEE Gujarat Section; Founding Member, Silver Oak University IEEE Student Branch, Dr. Jay Dave, Head, Department of Computer Engineering, ASOIT; Faculty Advisor, IEEE SOU SB; Prof. Digant Parmar, Assistant Professor, Computer Engineering, SOCET; Counsellor, IEEE SOU SB; and Mr. Kartik Derasari, Google Developer Expert, Google Cloud; Applied AI Solutions Architect, Persistent Systems, who extended their good wishes for the success and prosperity of the event.

Session 1:

Mr. Kartik Derasari, Google Developer Expert, Google Cloud and Applied AI Solutions Architect, Persistent Systems


Energizing the atmosphere, the event kicked off with the keynote session as Mr. Kartik Derasari, a distinguished Google Developer Expert, captivated the audience with his infectious positivity and dynamic delivery. With adept communication skills, he effortlessly demystified the complexities of the Large Language Model, making it accessible to all participants. Mr. Kartik delved into the fascinating world of Generative AI, providing insightful examples and practical applications. He skillfully elucidated the nuances between Predictive AI and Generative AI, offering a comprehensive understanding of their distinct functionalities and real-world implications.

He further explored the wide-ranging applications of Generative AI across diverse sectors, meticulously examining specific use cases within each industry. From media and entertainment to healthcare and automotive, he traversed the landscape of Generative AI, illuminating its transformative impact on processes and outcomes. Culminating with an in-depth exploration of Google Gemini, he provided attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the innovative advancements shaping the artificial intelligence landscape. The insights underscored the profound transformative potential of Generative AI in today's corporate world.

Throughout the session, Kartik's passion for technology and commitment to clarity created an engaging and enriching experience for all attendees. The session was graced by Prof. Mayuresh Kulkarni, who honored our esteemed speaker Mr. Kartik Derasari.

Session 2:

Mr. Bhargav Patel, Junior Staff AI Engineer, Detect Technologies


The event seamlessly moved into the second segment of the day with the privilege of hosting the distinguished speaker, Mr. Bhargav Patel. Delving into the captivating realm of "Streamline with MLOPs," The speaker offered profound insights into the architectural journey from Basecamp to the summit. He expertly elucidated the criticality of MLOPs, unraveling their limitations and showcasing their remarkable features, all while providing a comprehensive blueprint for constructing pipelines. Engaging actively with participants, Mr. Patel prompted discussions on instances where models faltered, shedding invaluable light on errors and potential solutions alike.

Mr. Patel's insightful conclusion left participants enriched,sparking a buzz of newfound knowledge and ideas. Attendees eagerly engaged with the speaker, clarifying doubts and deepening their understanding. The palpable enthusiasm in the room fueled active networking and the sharing of experiences in the field.

His session not only inspired but also empowered participants to apply these advanced concepts to their projects. As the session drew to a close with the applause, Prof. Jaimin Dave gave a token of appriciation to Mr. Bhargav Patel.

Session 3:

Mr. Daxeel Soni, Co-founder,


Continuing into the third session, attendees welcomed the esteemed speaker, Mr. Daxeel Soni as his insightful topic on RAG as a knowledge retrieval layer enhancing LLM contextualization set the stage for a dynamic and informative discussion. Introducing GEN AI, he offered a clear roadmap for beginners. Moreover, he explored the significance of RAG, its practical applications, and the rationale behind its necessity. Mr. Soni also delved into two frameworks, LamaIndex and Langchain, providing the audience with comprehensive insights into knowledge retrieval and contextualization in the realm of AI.

As Mr. Soni concluded his session, participants were buzzing with newfound knowledge and ideas. Armed with fresh insights, they eagerly engaged with the speaker to clarify doubts and deepen their understanding, contemplating implementation strategies for their own projects. The engaging session spurred lively discussions, with participants exchanging ideas on leveraging RAG for their specific use cases. His approachable demeanor and thorough explanations made complex concepts accessible, further fueling the audience's curiosity.

The session concluded with Dr. Satvik Khara felicitating Mr. Daxeel Soni. As the session wrapped up, there was a palpable sense of anticipation for the next event, with many attendees expressing a keen interest in deeper dives into advanced AI topics.

SPS Talk:

Prof. Mayureh Kulkarni, Chairperson, Student Activity and Membership Development, IEEE Signal Processing Society Gujarat Chapter


The session of Signal Processing Society featured an engaging and thought-provoking talk led by esteemed guest dignitary from IEEE Signal Processing Society Gujarat Chapter, Prof. Mayuresh Kulkarni. During the session, he focused on presenting the information and extensive benefits provided by the IEEE Signal Processing Society.

He highlighted that the largest SPS Student Branch Chapter in the world is IEEE SOU SPS SBC emphasizing the numerous perks of being an SPS member, including the availability of grants and travel expenses, and research and publication funds for scholars. Additionally, he mentioned several initiatives funded by IEEE SPS Gujarat Chapter, thereby underlining the supportive role of society in fostering AI education and collaboration.

Through this session, attendees gaining a deeper understanding of the opportunities and resources offered by the IEEE Signal Processing Society. They were left informed and encouraged to explore membership for their academic and professional growth.


A Quiz Challenge on AI Technology and Trends

After a lunch break, participants eagerly showcased their enthusiasm and knowledge of AI-related topics during the quiz session, creating a vibrant atmosphere. The hosts skillfully interacted with attendees, leading engaging discussions and conducting an interactive quiz. The quiz session rekindled participants’ excitement with a series of captivating AI-related questions, covering areas like LLMs, RAG technology, machine learning, and more.

Wrapping up the session, prizes were awarded to top performers, adding a competitive element to the event. The quiz seamlessly blended educational content with entertainment highlighting AI's growing significance in contemporary discourse.

The interactive format kept everyone engaged and fostered camaraderie among attendees. Participants valued the chance to test their knowledge and learn from peers in an enjoyable setting.

As winners were announced, the room erupted in cheers and applause, reflecting the session's success and participants' eagerness for more engaging activities in future events.

Session 4:

Mr. Dhaval Joshi, CEO, Sahana System Limited


Moving to the fourth session, Mr. Dhaval Joshi introduced innovative problem-solving strategies, leveraging the capabilities of AI. His insights shed light on pathways to effectively harnessing AI in addressing diverse challenges. Fostered by his dynamic teaching style and uplifting encouragement, an energetic and positive atmosphere prevailed, sparking enthusiasm and active participation among attendees. Additionally, he provided a historical perspective on the inception of AI, tracing its origins and highlighting visionary figures who pioneered the field, offering valuable insights into the transformative journey of Artificial Intelligence.

Mr. Dhaval Joshi highlighted AI's pervasive influence, showcasing its diverse roles and profound impact on efficiency, creativity, and convenience. Using compelling examples, he illustrated how AI reshaped modern existence, emphasizing its transformative potential across various domains. He empowered participants with strategic methodologies to harness AI effectively in addressing complex challenges and driving progress in diverse fields.

A memento was presented to Mr. Dhaval Joshi by Dr. Satvik Khara as a token of appreciation for his insightful presentation.

Session 5:

Mr. Ridham Modi, CEO, Highen Inc. and Glasier Inc.


The concluding session of the expert talk was led by Mr. Ridham Modi, as attendees were immersed in a discussion on the benefits of integrating AI into business processes. Delving deep into amalytics, participants gained valuable insights into how AI drives productivity, refines decision-making processes, and streamlines operations, ultimately fostering competitiveness and innovation. Throughout the session, challenges associated with AI adoption were thoroughly addressed, igniting vibrant discussions on critical topics such as data privacy, workforce displacement, and the importance of regulatory compliance. Attendees actively exchanged perspectives on how to effectively mitigate these challenges while fully harnessing the potential of AI.

Real-world AI use cases across industries were showcased, demonstrating its versatility and impact. Examples spanned healthcare diagnostics, finance risk assessment, retail analytic  manufacturing optimization, and transportation logistics. Ethical considerations took center stage as the speaker emphasized the importance of fairness, transparency, and accountability in AI deployment.

The session concluded with Prof. Mayuresh Kulkarni presenting a token of appreciation to Mr. Ridham Modi. With a forward- looking discussion on the future of AI in business, attendees pondered the evolving role of AI in reshaping business models, driving innovation, and unlocking new opportunities across sectors.

Panel Discussion:

A glance of the Panel Discussion with several esteemed panelists and industry leaders.


The panel discussion at AI Conclave featured five experts in the field of AI, providing insights into various aspects of technology, career growth, and industry trends. The panelists included Mr. Kartik Derasari, Mr. Bhargav Patel, Mr. Ridham Modi, Mr. Dhaval Joshi, and Mr. Harshal Trivedi.

The discussion covered a wide range of topics, including the latest advancements in AI and how they are transforming industries. They shared practical advice on initial steps for students to take to jumpstart their careers in AI, along with their own real-life experiences, highlighting their career journeys and challenge faced.

Furthermore, the panelists provided insights on connecting withfield experts for mentorship, advice, and diverse perspectives. They emphasized the importance of identifying opportunities where AI expertise can significantly improve people's lives. Attendees were enlightened on creating a new thinking process for resolving issues and were given actionable steps to enhance their professional development.

Overall, the panel discussion was highly engaging and informative, with each expert sharing unique and valuable insights. Participants appreciated the diverse topics covered and the opportunity to interact with industry leaders. The session concluded with a sense of enthusiasm and clarity, as students gained a deeper understanding of the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the evolving technology landscape.


Event Glance:

Session 1:

The Speaker shedding light on Generative AI to attendees

Mr. Kartik derasari felicitated by Prof. Mayuresh Kulkarni

Session 2:


Mr. Bhargav Patel felicitated by Prof. Jaimin Dave

Attendees actively participating in the session

Session 3:


Dr. Satvik Khara felicitating Mr. Daxeel Soni

Attendees getting insights of new trends in AI

Quiz Session:


Awarding prizes to top quiz winners

Participants getting involved in the quiz competition

Session 4:


Dr. Satvik Khara felicitating Mr. Dhaval Joshi

Mr. Dhaval Joshi guiding attendees through Future Trends of AI

Session 5:


Prof. Mayuresh Kulkarni presenting a token of appreciation to Mr. Ridham Modi

Participants actively gaining insights through the session

Panel Discussion;


Speakers sharing their industry experience in Panel Discussion

Gaining real-world insights from experts' journey


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