Charging Up: The Future of EV Networks


On the occasion of PES Day 2024, Silver Oak University IEEE Student Branch organized an enlightening event titled "Charging Up: The Future of EV Networks". This event served as a pivotal platform for students, scholars, and industry experts to delve deep into the transformative landscape of Electric Vehicles, exploring their growing importance in the global shift towards sustainable transportation solutions.

About the speaker:

The session was led by Prof. Manan Pathak, Assistant Professor at Department of Electrical Engineering, ASOIT; Associate NCC Officer at the Gujarat Air Squadron, NCC and Joint Director of the Armed Forces Motivational Cell at Silver Oak University; who showcased practical insights on EV technology through interactive discussions and expert insights.

About the session:
Date: 23rd April, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Venue: Apple Lab University, Silver Oak University
Participants: 34

Prof. Manan Pathak commenced the session by introducing himself, setting a professional tone for the discussion on Electric Vehicles (EVs). He emphasized the future potential of EVs, envisioning a scenario where all vehicles could transition to EVs by 2050. This projection underscored the urgency and importance of understanding and embracing EV technology.

Delving into the specifics, Prof. Pathak highlighted the crucial role of collaboration between core engineering branches and smart applications in the successful integration and advancement of EV networks. Using a captivating quote, Prof. Pathak introduced the e-AMRIT platform, a standard website and valuable resource for individuals and organizations looking to enter or expand their presence in the EV domain.

The historical evolution of EVs became a focal point of discussion, tracing their inception in the 19th century to their evolution into sophisticated and efficient vehicles in the 21st century. Participants actively engaged in discourse about the advantages of EVs, including their energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, cost-effectiveness, and its diverse applications’ implications for sustainable transportation solutions.

Moving further, the session also addressed challenges and disadvantages associated with EVs, such as differences in climate efficiency, long charge times, and the need for more robust policies and awareness to support widespread adoption. Transitioning to the technical aspects, Prof. Pathak elucidated the process of constructing an Electric Vehicle, from sourcing raw materials to manufacturing, sales, maintenance, and eventual recycling.

This comprehensive overview provided insights into the lifecycle of EVs and the considerations involved at each stage.

The classification of EVs based on their structures was also discussed, with a focus on Hybrid EVs. Prof. Pathak used detailed architectural diagrams to illustrate the functioning of Hybrid EVs, enriching the participants' understanding of the technological intricacies involved.

As the session drew to a close, Prof. Pathak shared steps to encourage EV adoption and highlighted future domains for exploration, including niche areas that offer opportunities for more efficient and innovative solutions. The session concluded with an interactive Q&A session, allowing participants to seek clarifications and engage in further discussions on EV related topics.

This special initiative was made achievable thanks to the guidance of Prof. Digant Parmar, an Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering at SOCET and Counselor of the Silver Oak University IEEE Student Branch. As a 2024 IEEE PES Day ambassador, Prof. Parmar played a crucial role in advocating for sustainable energy practices and furthering the objectives of IEEE Power and Energy Society.


Overall, "Charging Up: The Future of EV Networks" provided a comprehensive and engaging exploration of the future of EV networks, blending historical insights, technical knowledge, and strategic considerations for sustainable transportation development.

The success of the event owes much to the guidance and support of Dr. Satvik Khara, Dean, Diploma Engineering, SOU; Head, Department of Computer Engineering, SOCET; IEEE Senior Member; Chairperson, SIGHT, IEEE Gujarat Section; Secretary, Computer Society, IEEE Gujarat Section; and Founding Member, Silver Oak University IEEE Student Branch.


Glimpses of the event:


Introducing Attendees to innovative field of Electronic Vehicles


Gaining fundamental insights on advantages of EV


Group picture after the session


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