IEEE DAY Celebration

Date: 1at October, 2019

Time: 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Venue:Gota Primary School

Number of Volunteers: 40 members


Our very own IEEE DAY, 1st October, which was no less than a gala day had been celebrated in a sensational manner. There could be nothing as monumental as spreading happiness on this occasion. In order to make it an everlasting and a striking memory, WIE along with IEEE SOCET SB had organized to visit Gota Primary School and spend the day with the unprivileged students in order to celebrate our special IEEE day in a vivid manner indulging them in a bunch of fun activities consisting games, story-telling, watching short-films, motivational videos etc.


To start such a beautiful day, the first activity was to pray and remember the Almighty God. Students were really excited and happy to encounter a new thing. 

We performed many activities with them. One of them was to show motivational named Chalo jeete hai and funny video as cartoons and TV shows named Tom & Jerry for entertainment of Children. They enjoyed as well as learned from it. 

‘Health is the real wealth’. In consideration to this phrase we played various outdoor games with the students Such as kho-kho, kabaddi, Speak Action, Captain sign, Virtual volleyball, expression. We even had a great interaction with them in which we shared some moral stories and also tried to make them present their views on various topics.


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