Oracle Database Migration and Updation

Date: 7th September 2019

Time: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Venue: C.V. Raman hall, SOCET

Participants: 35 members



It is a pleasure and moment of pride to Computer Department, SOCET  that this time AIOUG

(All India Oracle User Group) Gujarat Chapter has organised a one day event in association with IEEE SOCET SB and  SOGI Oracle Academy on “Oracle Database Migration and Updation.” on 7th September, 2019. This event was Conducted by following speakers.

Mr. Harjul Jobanputra (Cloud geek @ Oracle India Pvt Ltd)

Mr. Chandan Tanwani (Senior Application Engineer @ Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd)

Mr. Saumil Patel (Lead DBA @ Tech Mahindra)

Mrs. Amarjeet Kaur (Senior Oracle Database Consultant @ Pythian)



About the Event

Commencement of this event was done with a welcome speech by prof.Keyur shah.He was introduced all the Speakers who came from the AIOUG. After that he requested to Prof. Satvik khara (HOD, Computer Department, SOCET) for felicitation to Mr. Harjul Jobanputra. After Mr.Harjul gave a brief introduction about the work of AIOUG. 


Session by Mr. Harjul Jobanputra

His session was all about Different ways to create Oracle database in Cloud. Since we all live in cloud era, he taught us different methodologies to create Oracle Database in Cloud. We also got to know different offerings of Oracle Database on Cloud and build skills to decide the most suitable method to opt to create database on cloud. This session was all about showcasing various mechanisms to quickly setup Oracle Database on Cloud. 


Session by Mr. Chandan Tanwani

Moreover after Harjul Jobanputra’s session there was a session of Chandan Tanwani.He took the session on Database migration to the Cloud. It is one of the challenging tasks. People often ask, about pre-checks, To-Do List, different migration methods and their benefits; fastest way and less down time method etc. Architects, DBAs/Developers have to do planning and pre-checks before actual migration; this session helped us to understand all aspects of DB migration strategy, planning and different migration methods. He also discussed various aspects of DB migration on Cloud and iis consideration. There he also discussed about Zero Downtime Migration, Data Pump, RMAN, Plug/Unplug, Remote Cloning etc.


Session by Mrs. Amarjeet kaur

After the session there was a tea and networking break. After the networking break there was a session of Amarjeet Kaur. The session was all about Performance measurements after Database Migration. As One of the most important aspects to be considered after database migration is performance measurement process. It required to provide useful information about products, processes and services that are produced by that Oracle Version. Here this session helped us to find out issues that might occur after database migration like database wait time has increased for many sql statements, differences in sql execution plan where we need to change and select different sql profile, many tables are going FULL Table scan instead of index scan. So these topics were covered in her session. 


Session by Mr. Saumil Patel

The last session was taken by Mr.Saumil patel on Database Patching and Automation. In this session we got an idea how to applied patch on Single Instance, RAC and Oracle Restart databases with different db version. Types of patch. Pre and post requisite while applying any patches. Patch on premises and cloud. How can we automate it, so it will reduce manual efforts of DBA.

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