Pages Unfolded


An engaging and inspiring book discussion session titled "Pages Unfolded" was organized by Paperback Pals under Silver Oak University IEEE Women In Engineering Student Branch Affinity Group, delving into the intriguing world of different genres of scripts, igniting enthusiasm and sparking curiosity among participants.

About the Session:

Date: 29th April, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Venue: Apple Lab, Silver Oak University
Participants: 10

The literary gathering unfolded with a warm and inviting atmosphere as members enthusiastically introduced themselves, expressing their deep-rooted passion for literature and the diverse perspectives they bring to the table. As each participant took the stage, they illuminated the audience with tales and quotes from their favorite books, offering glimpses into the immense scene of literary worlds.

As participants delved into their respective themes, they reflected on their perspectives and interpretations of the author’s words. This journey of shared insights and perspectives not only engaged the listeners but also transported them to far-off lands, where they unravelled mysteries, pondered the intricacies of human nature, and explored the depths of intellect.

Throughout the session, the diverse world of literature was celebrated, providing a platform for members to share insights into the various books brought by them. This showcase of literary richness encompassed an array of genres, from thrilling crime novels like “The Godfather” to enchanting fantasy tales like “Divergent”. Attendees also shared insights from insightful self-help manuals, heartwarming slices of life narratives, enthralling mythological tales, and intellectually stimulating philosophical discourse.

The culmination of the session was marked by an inspired call to embrace new literary horizons, encouraging members to broaden their reading habits and expand their intellectual landscapes. This newfound perspective not only enriched their understanding of the world but also provided a platform for forging meaningful connections with fellow readers who share their diverse interests and passions.


In conclusion, "Pages Unfolded" was an interactive and enlightening session that left attendees inspired and well-equipped with valuable insights toward different writings. The event fostered peer-to-peer learning and served as a pillar of knowledge in the ever-evolving world of scripts, contributing positively to attendee’s understanding and enthusiasm for the subject.

This event saw success under the essential guidance and support of Dr. Satvik Khara, Dean, Diploma Engineering, SOU; Head, Department of Computer Engineering, SOCET; IEEE Senior Member; Chairperson, SIGHT, IEEE Gujarat Section; Secretary, Computer Society, IEEE Gujarat Section and Founding Member, Silver Oak University IEEE Student Branch.

Glimpses of the event:

Readers sharing quotes from their books

Engaging in discussions over literary themes

Group picture with all the attendees

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