Campus Hero Webinar


Silver Oak University IEEE Student Branch organized a collaborative event titled "Campus Hero Webinar" in partnership with Google Developer Student Clubs Silver Oak University and Coding Ninjas. The event aimed to provide participants with valuable insights into building successful careers, cracking interviews in top-tier companies like MAANG/FAANG, understanding industry-level topics such as Programming languages, Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), and leveraging networking opportunities.

About the Speaker:

The webinar was delivered by Ms. Pooja Gera, a seasoned software engineer at Palo Alto Networks and a former software engineer at Microsoft, who has a distinguished track record of over 300 awards during her academic journey.

About the Session:
Date: 30th March, 2024
Time: 09:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Mode: Online
Participants: 85

The webinar began with Ms. Pooja Gera sharing her journey, highlighting the challenges encountered before securing internships and providing candid insights into her experiences. Including missed opportunities such as the Google STEP internship, LinkedIn coaching mentorship program, and Uber STAR internship, her openness underscored the significance of resilience and learning from setbacks.

One of the key themes emphasized by Ms. Gera was the need to unlearn certain attitudes, particularly the notion of being the smartest person in the room. She stressed the importance of adopting a mindset of continuous learning and growth, recognizing that there is always room for improvement. To make the point resonate with the audience, she demonstrated her commitment to mastering Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) through diligent practice with Coding Ninjas, ultimately leading to her success in clearing the prominent Microsoft Engage program and securing a coveted Software Engineering internship at Microsoft.

During the webinar, Ms. Gera provided valuable insights into the differences between product-based and service-based companies. She elaborated on the nuances of their interview processes and offered guidance on selecting appropriate coding languages and stacks tailored to each company's requirements.

She presented a comprehensive plan for DSA practice, covering a wide range of topics commonly encountered in technical interviews. From arrays and sorting algorithms to dynamic programming and greedy algorithms, she provided practical advice on mastering these concepts. Afterward, the session moves forward with expressions of gratitude from IEEE SOU SB and GDSC SOU to Ms. Pooja Gera, the virtual memento highlighting her success in delivering invaluable insights for aspiring professionals in the tech industry.

As a closing note, Ms. Pooja advised participants on enhancing their interview prospects through relevant projects, and building strong profiles on platforms like GitHub and LinkedIn, to navigate off-campus placements successfully.


The "Campus Hero Webinar" was a resounding success, providing invaluable insights and guidance to the participants. The expert’s candid sharing of her experiences and practical advice resonated well with the audience and the webinar served as an enriching platform for aspiring professionals to chart their paths to success in the tech industry.

The success of the event was only possible with the guidance and support of Dr. Satvik Khara, Dean, Diploma Engineering, SOU; Head, Department of Computer Engineering, SOCET; IEEE Senior Member; Chairperson, SIGHT, IEEE Gujarat Section; Secretary, Computer Society, IEEE Gujarat Section; and Founding Member, Silver Oak University IEEE Student Branch.


Glimpses of the event:

Ms. Pooja Gera being presented with a virtual memento.


Guiding the attendees on product and service-based companies.


The expert sharing tips on navigating the internship landscape.


Ms. Pooja Gera imparting her wisdom to crack technical interviews.

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